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Sexy Story:

March 28, 2016

Sexy Story:

March 28, 2016

Sex is a very important part of any relationship. When is "not going well" there, sooner or later it not work out even more.
This is exactly what I experienced myself. It might sound silly, but my husband we made sex after marriage. I grew up in a very Christian family and so it was quite normal for me. The man was willing to wait, which was very important to me and I was grateful to him. But when we started fucking, we came across the problem. Sex was not good and I was devastated. We were unable to "tune in" on the same wave. My husband tried, he could, but simply could not. I tried everything. Sexy clothes, make-up as they wear these sexy babes, but nothing helped. I simply could not be any way to tune. I was so desperate (not to mention the husband) that I resorted to a completely absurd solution, and I prayed that it came out ...
When the husband on a business trip, I chose the evening in the bar, you know where to look for the half-naked, dancing women... I was ashamed, but when I so much wanted to make her husband happy when he has sacrificed for me. I walked in and sat down completely in the corner. A moment for me came the serving girl who had dressed only panties. Sympathetically looked at me and asked what I will drink. I ordered a double vodka. When I brought it, I immediately drank it until I got sick. I ordered another and in the second round, I told her everything. I saw to it that he thinks of me thinks I'm full looser, but I did not care. She put her hand on my shoulder and said she would help me. She left and I stayed there.. About an hour's came to me, took my hand and introduced into a small room and sat me in a chair. She's gone. I'm looking around and found a small window. I looked into it and that girl just walked there. There was undressed man, so I immediately contacted. It took me a while to have the "help" to understand and I was horrified. It seemed like some perverse sexual counseling! I wanted to leave, but vodka works.. I had consulted in the box, and with bated breath is watching.

Naked man sitting on the bed and she was around him began moving. She danced in his crotch and he may touch her ass and breasts. Couple next to him and gently licked his private parts. She was wearing panties, but underneath had a hole, so you did not have to undress. push him and the privileges it. She began to ride it and I started to feel something. The man began to issue sounds excited and she also pretends that she's really like. After a while the exchange, threw her belly and broke into her from behind. It did not take long and it was over. The guy he lay and she looked my direction and looked up. I realized what had happened and I felt very strange. Even I did not wait for her and I ran home.
Two days later the husband came back and I was wondering whether it say about my trip or not. I decided that he will not say anything and instead try. Even if it went wrong, it would not be worse than before. I brought two glasses and poured us vodka, which I was to buy and put a sexy lingerie. The bottom hole I did not buy, so I was normal. After two buds I have resolved and demonstrated his theatrics, which I then at night watched from a professional. We have gradually overcome sexual barrier between us and since it's much better ...